Adventure Brunch #17 -- March 23, 2019

Mimosas, Boozy Mochas, and White Castle were had!!! The party of BrocRiBrother Shavir, & Yukria went back to East UR Watch to complete the outstanding quests and help out the Orcs in the area.  
In Area #2 - They Murdered:
1 Goblin Shaman - Broc one shot it through the eye with his war sling!
Found and took 3 Worg puppies back to their strongholds!
Take an additional 100 exp for clearing the outstanding quest!

In Area #3 - They Murdered:
14 Goblins - 1 seduced by a Altered Self Ri and mercilessly murdered by the party!
1 Black Bear attracted by Broc's multiple failed stealth checks
Boss Monster suffocated Ri and dragged her away and locked her in a box... then very nearly TPK'ed (total party killed) the rest of the party but Broc with his Orc abilities popped up back at 1 hp without the boss noticing. Broc then was free to momma bird-feed the party health Bonbons while the Boss Monster was busy torturing Ri. Eventually, Ri escaped and found everyone else taking a (3-hour) short rest... The boss followed her, and the group soundly murdered the boss at which time Ri turned into a green slime due to wild magic surge. Brother Shavir managed to turn her back and Ri collected all the Boss Monster's personal items as well as his head as a personal trophy. They all left with a butt load of various magic items, coins, gems, & last but not least MYEV the lost Half-Orc Barbarian friend and 4 other prisoners! (3 orcs and 1 albino-looking elf who disappeared soon after.)
Take an additional 200 Bonus exp for clearing the outstanding quest and the rescue!