The Brunch Part If you're in (see below), please bring a yummy item to share with the party. There will be a spreadsheet shared on GDrive to share what everyone plans to bring (including paper plates, drinks, etc.) Bringing low sodium items will be considered a bribe to the dungeon master (Ramon) and bribes are encouraged. Booze is also encouraged, especially Bailey's which may be added to coffee as a Jinx bribe, and bribes are encouraged. The Adventure Part - The Setting: Life for the average person in your world is boring and stale. There is no mobility for change and you live and die the lot you're born in. That simply isn't good enough for you. You've decided to be an adventurer. As such you feel a strong call in your bones to adventure. The boredom of a calm life doesn't appeal to you. You choose where to go and what to do. Societies see you adventurers as outliers and deviants. They generally look down on adventurers for various reasons. You've go...